Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Interview with Myself!!

So this is a thing, right?  Rachel over at Beauty and the Bookshelf came up with this whole blogging extravaganza to help us get back into the groove of blogging.  I know I personally have been finding it difficult to find topics to post on.  So this is a thing!  And the first post is an interview with yourself.

Strange, right?  Well... sure.

What is your name?
I'm Christina

 What is your quest?
I seek the holy grail! err... Let's start that again.  I'm a scientist fed up with the science business.  Currently, I'm an aspiring author working on multiple projects, the most completed of which you can actually read the first part of on Wattpad (I really only just got the cojones to put it up there. Feedback is welcome).

What is your favorite color?! (I couldn't resist)
Purple!  You may have figured that one out by the blog theme.

So you write, eh?
Not very well... Though I have improved a lot over the past year.  You should read my first novel it was terrible!

What is your favorite under-appreciated animal?
I love frogs. They're awesome.

Why frogs?
I dunno. When I was growing up we had a pool.  And this will totally sound gross but so many times I would find that the frogs had laid their eggs in the pool, so we would have tadpoles and then thousands of baby froggies in the pool.  Of course, the water had chlorine in it, so they wouldn't survive well.  I often would go and fish the babies out to save them. I guess this dodesn't answer the question, aside from that I've always had a soft spot for them.

You say you're in your twenties?
That is true at this time.

So how old are you anyway?
That's very rude.  But if you must know I will be 29 in April.

That's coming up soon
Yes it is.

Doing anything special?
I've been considering taking the week off to work on writing.  Other than that, nope.

So, read any good books lately?
I'm so glad you asked! I really enjoyed Rebel of the Sands.  Other new favorites of mine include the Falling Kingdoms series and of course The Orphan Queen series

Do you read anything that isn't YA?
Of course! I try to read some classics.  I will also pick up the occasional adult sci-fi or fantasy book.  And I love poetry.  But I do NOT review poetry.

Well I'm exhausted and can't think of questions so I'ma wrappin' it up.  Hope you enjoyed the random.