Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring TBR

I'm not late at all.  Nope.

So here are my wishes for this Spring, including my TBR and to-do list for writing.

Edenhart's Rivalry (Kingdom of the Faeries, #1)
I have this for review.  And I'm a bit behind, so I need to get on with it.

The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3)
I ordered the UK edition, which came in the other day. Already read and reviewed (set to post tomorrow).

And I Darken
Another review book that I'm pretty excited for.

The Star-Touched Queen
This one is for review too.  But again, super excited. I try to only request books I really want to read.

Storm Glass (Glass, #1)
I'm slowly working my way through the entire Chronicles of Ixia.  This is the next one I need to read.  I can't wait to get to the Soulfinders series :)

Warrior Witch  (The Malediction Trilogy, #3)
Another pre-order.  This one comes out in May.

Passenger (Passenger, #1)
I started this in January and put it down for Reasons. I want to pick it back up again.

Okay, so there are a few more books I definitely want to get done, but that's all I'm putting down.  I think I can read these seven books in three months.

Now as for my writing.  As of now, I'm just about done with another round of revising Iron Curse. I had hoped to take a week off in April to do another quick round, but that is looking impossible since my vacation request was denied.  Unfortunate, since I have a beta reader set up for May.  I'm actually really upset about this.  But it doesn't matter since there is nothing I can do.  

So, once I send Iron Curse out I plan to go back to working hardcore on Spy Project.