Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
And wow. I haven't done one of these posts yet this month. I'm awful. So this week's theme is Top Ten books I really love but I haven't talked about enough.
Now, to be fair, I won't be putting books on this list that I rave about all the time (The Orphan Queen series & The Falling Kingdoms series). Just know that I love them, but I talk about them a lot.
So in no particular order...
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - This was my introduction to a dystopian society. It's smart and scary and strange. It can be funny. Many high schools assign this on the reading list (mine did). But I went further and reread it. Three times. If you love dystopian novels you definitely need to read this classic.
- Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor - I know that I have mentioned this book in the past. But I have to do it again. It's a retelling of The Inferno. It's all kinds of weird and different. And lots of creepy. This was a book I read for school, and I could not put it down.
- Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck - Uh oh. Here I go picking all these books I read for school. But seriously! I loved this book beyond words. I actually reread it because I loved it so much. It's short and sad. And because of it, I picked up The Grapes of Wrath as well. John Steinbeck has certainly become one of my favorite authors of classic novels.
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - How could I leave this off my list? It's the book my blog is named for. I actually did not read this for school. I picked it up at a thrift store and read it for funzies.
- Red Rising by Pierce Brown - I have a discussion on comparing this to Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard here. That is, of course, if you're confused as to the differences of the books. They have some similarities, but I found them distinct enough to stand on their own. And is absolutely amazing. I just finished Golden Son and need to start the last book as soon as possible.
- The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson - This is the second in the Fire and Thorns trilogy. Amusing, right? My favorite is the SECOND book. Ha! I met Rae at YALLFest last November and I told her it was my favorite of the series. She was so happy because it was hers too. I love the action and the building up of the romance. It does not suffer from middle book syndrome at all!
- Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert - This series is strange. It's like a science fiction version of A Song of Ice and Fire. So many people trying to rule the galaxy and the spice. I (personally) do not suggest watching the SyFy mini series. The 1980s movie (while ridiculous and hokey) was much truer to the book. But of course, Dune Messiah is the second book in the series.
- Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell - I am in love with Cinderella retellings. I cannot tell you how many different Cinderella movies I own. So this book? I loved it. And it's super feminist too.
- The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson - This is the first of the Remnant Chronicles. I can't remember why I bought it. It had a pretty cover. Amazon kept recommending it to me. I finally caved. (I actually ended up buying it soon after it was released) And I absolutely fell in love with it. This was the first (or one of the first) book I reviewed on the blog. My review was horrible and doesn't do the book justice at all. I was still learning. But my love for this book hasn't wavered. And I've managed to get a few others hooked on this series as well!
- Where She Went by Gayle Forman - It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that I prefer this over the original If I Stay. I have always loved reading from a male POV. And while I liked If I Stay (okay I cried a few times), I absolutely loooooved Where She Went (it was a constant stream of tears).
What books do you love and not talk about?